Course 8634A. Administration in Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0
Продолжительность курса 2 дня.
Ближайшие даты по обучению Microsoft Dynamics AX.
*Описание курса представлено на английском языке. Курс читается на русском языке.
Two days
It is required that students have completed:
• Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 Introduction
• Knowledge of Microsoft Windows Server
• Knowledge of Microsoft SQL Server
Course Materials
The student kit includes a comprehensive workbook and other necessary materials for this class.
Course Outline
Chapter 1: Security Considerations
This chapter provides an introduction to the use of proper security in the Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 system.
Chapter 2: Managing Security
This chapter is designed to help the administrator manage the security within the Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 system.
Chapter 3: Managing Data
This chapter discusses with the tools available for data management.
Chapter 4: Maintaining the Application Object Server
This chapter focuses on how to manage the AOS. This allows the Administrator to install separate development, test, or live systems and move between the separate systems with simple changes to the AOS configuration.
Chapter 5: Managing External Connections Using AIF
This chapter focuses on configuring the Application Integration Framework for document exchange.
Chapter 6: Monitoring and Tuning
This chapter discusses how to monitor the system and gather knowledge about how the Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 servers are operating, and then use this knowledge to tune that operation to improve performance.
Chapter 7: Managing Alerts
This chapter explains the purpose of alerts and how they provide the capability for users to stay informed on the condition of their business by using alerts. Users can set their own alerts for almost any condition that might occur within their business.
Chapter 8: Managing Changes
This chapter focuses on how to implement a successful change management strategy. Manage and track all application and infrastructure changes through a change approval and documentation system.
Chapter 9: Processing Batch Jobs
This chapter explains the purpose of batch jobs, how to set up a batch job, and schedule it to run at a specified time.
*Описание курса представлено на английском языке. Курс читается на русском языке.
Two days
It is required that students have completed:
• Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 Introduction
• Knowledge of Microsoft Windows Server
• Knowledge of Microsoft SQL Server
Course Materials
The student kit includes a comprehensive workbook and other necessary materials for this class.
Course Outline
Chapter 1: Security Considerations
This chapter provides an introduction to the use of proper security in the Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 system.
Chapter 2: Managing Security
This chapter is designed to help the administrator manage the security within the Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 system.
Chapter 3: Managing Data
This chapter discusses with the tools available for data management.
Chapter 4: Maintaining the Application Object Server
This chapter focuses on how to manage the AOS. This allows the Administrator to install separate development, test, or live systems and move between the separate systems with simple changes to the AOS configuration.
Chapter 5: Managing External Connections Using AIF
This chapter focuses on configuring the Application Integration Framework for document exchange.
Chapter 6: Monitoring and Tuning
This chapter discusses how to monitor the system and gather knowledge about how the Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 servers are operating, and then use this knowledge to tune that operation to improve performance.
Chapter 7: Managing Alerts
This chapter explains the purpose of alerts and how they provide the capability for users to stay informed on the condition of their business by using alerts. Users can set their own alerts for almost any condition that might occur within their business.
Chapter 8: Managing Changes
This chapter focuses on how to implement a successful change management strategy. Manage and track all application and infrastructure changes through a change approval and documentation system.
Chapter 9: Processing Batch Jobs
This chapter explains the purpose of batch jobs, how to set up a batch job, and schedule it to run at a specified time.