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Course 80434A Fixed Assets in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013
Длительность курса – 1 день / 8 академических часов
Время проведения — с 10:00 до 17:00
Ближайшие даты проведения обучения Microsoft Dynamics NAV
*Описание курса 80434 Основные средства в Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 представлено на английском языке. Курс читается на русском языке.
Описание курса
About this Course
This one-day instructor-led course provides students with the knowledge and skills to set up all aspects the Fixed Assets granules available for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013. This course demonstrates how to set up Fixed Assets, how to perform a wide variety of Fixed Asset transactions, as well as how to handle reclassification, maintenance, and insurance where Fixed Assets are concerned.
Audience Profile:
This course is intended partners wanting to learn how to set up Fixed Assets in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 for their customer. For sales people, consultants, and implementers who need to understand the technical aspects of Microsoft Dynamics NAV2009 Fixed Assets and gain foundational knowledge of the application functionality.
Module 1: Fixed Assets Setup.
This module explains how Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Fixed Assets provides a fully integrated Fixed Asset management functionality. It also describes how this functionality helps a company manage it’s assets to track information relevant to fixed assets. Additionally, this module describes how depreciation books define various depreciation rules.
Module 2: Fixed Asset Transactions.
This module describes the purpose of journal templates for Fixed Assets, and explains the purchasing procedure for Fixed Assets. The basic transactions for fixed assets are depreciations, acquisition costs, write-downs, and disposals. All four types of transactions and the processes connected to these transactions are described in this module.
Module 3: Fixed Asset Reclassification.
This module focuses on the reclassification journal. How to use this journal is explained through different scenarios of most frequently used real-life situations.
Module 4: Fixed Assets Maintenance.
This module explains how to set up maintenance information for fixed assets and describes the functionality and processes of registering maintenance on fixed assets.
Module 5: Fixed Asset Insurance.
This module explains the insurance management in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013. This includes the following: setting up insurance information, assigning assets to insurance policies, monitoring insurance coverage, updating insurance information, and indexing fixed asset insurance.
Before attending this course, students must have:
- Attended or knowledge of the course Introduction in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013
- Attended or knowledge of the course Finance Essentials in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013
- Basic knowledge of Fixed Assets and accounting principles